Research on the Advantages of Data Warehouse in Avoiding Delay and Reducing Data Complexity


  • ICO Carlos Attai Computación Centro Universitario UAEM Valle de Chalco


Data warehouse; Petabytes; Business intelligence.


We have a major challenge when migrating data to a data warehouse is to preserve the same investment you have thought of from the beginning, to store the same and to maximize capacity with a minimum of interruption when making this migration for the business.In this paper, the data warehouse was carried out within the facilities to avoid latencies and reduce risks in the complexity of the data, since there are also variable costs in the network in different regions that would affect having it on network lines, improved performance as choosing or processing very robust data could be done with Analytics database and apart could make use of our own hardware. The main advantage lies in the structures of how it stores information as it can be stored by models of star boards, snowflake, relational cubes, among others. We show some of the other advantages that data warehouse.




How to Cite

ICO Carlos Attai. (2021). Research on the Advantages of Data Warehouse in Avoiding Delay and Reducing Data Complexity. urrent esearch in omputer cience, 1(2), 15–20. etrieved from


