A Framework Study of a Central Database of Hypertension Patients Recommended by Wearable Sensors


  • Adedayo Ajenikoko, Varul D. Arora Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ritman University, Ikot Ekpene. Nigeria; University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo. Nigeria


Hypertension; Telenursing; Blood pressure; Diastolic; Systolic.


In most developing countries there are so many barriers to health care delivery and the wellbeing of the citizenry, the two cardinal points of the millennium development goal. Such barriers include; poor road networks, undulating terrain, unacceptable ratio of doctor to patients, poor medical facilities etc. The framework for telenursing hypertension patients was necessitated by the findings that patients are discouraged from checking their blood pressure due to the long distance they have to travel to a medical facility for the check-up. Secondly, they have to wait endlessly before they are attended to thereby adding more stress and increasing the pressure of the blood. In order to mitigate these ordeals, a platform where a patient’s blood pressure and other vital signs are regularly checked and reported to a medical personnel like a nursing officer is proposed. The platform has the potential of enhancing uninterrupted access to a patient for prompt health care delivery. The initial cost of setting up such a platform is however prohibitive but the long term benefits outweigh this initial cost.  Further study will implement the framework and compare the results with the results obtained in this study.




How to Cite

Adedayo Ajenikoko, Varul D. Arora. (2021). A Framework Study of a Central Database of Hypertension Patients Recommended by Wearable Sensors. urrent esearch in omputer cience, 1(2), 21–29. etrieved from


